Saturday, February 26, 2022

Zelensky, the Ukrainian Hero who faces the Wave with Grains of Sand | Alce MK Henry

Credit: Ali Atmaca/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

We can wake up one of these mornings with the news of Zelensky's assassination, but at least the Ukrainian president has understood that it's not about sitting on his throne and sending his men to die on a suicidal mission, but he moves his ass and takes the lead of his soldiers himself. His so-called friends and allies’ countries can offer him nothing but political asylum with his family, but he has decided to stay with his people knowing it may cost him his life.

Zelensky, an actor who became President and whom adversity has forced perhaps to understand that politics or maybe war is not a game or a joke that makes you laugh. Especially when it comes to facing Vladimir Putin, this destructive and invasive wave that everyone fears. He may have tried to stop the wave with grains of sand, but that proves at least he has testicles and that he'd rather die standing for freedom and sovereignty of his people than surrender.

It should be understood that Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky is playing the role of his life. It may be a losing battle for him, but every country has the right to defend its sovereignty even if the opponent is called Vladimir Putin. In 2019, he became the youngest president in the history of Ukraine at the age of 41, also remembering that this was his first political experience. This is perhaps where his so-called friends and allies tricked him into believing that he would not be alone in the defense, and this error will cause him to have under his conscience the disappearance of the entire country. When you call yourself president, you are not being led, you are leading.

Unfortunately, this war will lead to the death of many people and mostly Ukrainians. I would have liked to see a single combat between two men which would determine the war rather than to see thousands of innocent people die. The Ukrainian people do not deserve this.

It is not given to everyone to recognize this heroic act of President Zelensky, but saying that he is wrong to have retaliated against the enemy is to recognize that Hitler was right at the expense of his victims. We need a world where we stop glorifying the persecutors and condemning the persecuted. Anyway, we will see what history will remember, between Zelensky who defended his people, and Putin who invaded and attacked innocent lives.

Alce MK Henry

Les Ecrits AMH

1 comment:

Frankie said...

It’s a rock and hard place. Every one wants the US to do something but we invade countries like this with bs excuses all the time. If you intervene it’s world war 3 l. If you do nothing then it’s just like when nazi invaded Poland and no one did anything history repeating it self. In the nuclear age there is no a true peace just delayed apocalypse.